My Life Goals

Never give up
Make a plan
Stick to the plan

Nothing is Impossible if you have the need for it
This week we had an interesting PPD session. It was to do a presentation about your life goals. For me, it was an easy task. Because my life plan is already planned. I am a person who finds a solution for every problem comes in my life. It doesn't matter what it is. I must find one or more options. Without it, you can't survive. So, Usually i have a fool-proof life plan and a set of goals.

I think my presentation was perfect. Our tutor Ms. Sarasi also rated mine as perfect. But she pointed out few things. I had a plan of dropping off my degree on 4th year. Because i wanted only knowledge and a good job to start. But she told me that i can do a job while i learn in 4th year. And she said there are some companies that can be supportive in that way. S, thanks to her my plan was updated, and i'm wiling to improvise.

Make a Plan


Stick to the Plan


Never Give up


You can do it


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