Build a tower out of paper???

                 In our last PPD session, we played a game. A game of building a tower. At first we were divided into three groups. I was in group three. Then we were given 12 A4 sheets per team. After that our tutor explained the game.It's interesting actually.

The game

                 The instructions were simple. We should build a tower out of those 12 A4 sheets we were given. It should be higher, stronger, and stable. And there will be a winner.

The plan

                First, our team gathered around and discussed about how to make the tower. One of our group member suggested we should roll the papers and make a little strong pillars to build it up like the Eiffel tower in triangle shapes. So, we went with that plan for a while and with time, we understood that our pillars aren't strong enough to go higher. So, another plan came in. Then we rolled the papers in shape of cylinders and joined them together to make it longer. It was about five feet high. Then we focused on the basement. There we faced a huge problem. We're out of paper. So, our tower's basement wasn't strong. But it stood straight.

What we missed, Why we were failed?

We made the tower. It wasn't pretty, but it was straight. Other two towers wasn't much straight as much as ours. But both of them were tall than ours. So, we failed. Our main problem was lack of teamwork. There wasn't any good planning. We went with the first plan we came up with. If we could have discuss with all team members and consider everyone's opinion, we wouldn't have failed.

But in the end, we learned a good lesson. Everyone's opinion matters in teamwork. We should respect others ideas. Because others might have a good plan than your own.


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